Additional Financial News 

HVCO= High-Value Content Offer

All businesses should start with good content offer regardless if it is marketing or advertising: - Use Free consultation, Podcast, Live demo, Killer -opt page to build your network and etc. 


Rules are to create an impact on any business either you in retailing, manufacturing, servicing, or consultancy. To learn more feel free to contact us in A.C.E Capital Advisory. 

The Storyteller's Tales

Wondering why all business has its storytelling!! Your company is all about the keyman in the business and you gonna sell big in your passion ...Like, Turning your passion into PERFORMANCE.  if you are stuck into something and you want to visualize your business to reality, you need to build it in your mind. 


Here are some tips;-

1) Create a longest-standing ovation.

2) You are not a Retailers with a mission, You're a Missionaries who Retails.

3)visualize your dream as big as Bill gate's, Alibaba, Steve Job's and Warren Buffet

4)Dare to Speak out to your board of directors or business partners.

5)Know your facts and your figures! never underestimate your accounts. 

Economy vs Reality 

The economy is something businesses should need to adapt to from time to time. We believe reality also equally important to all businesses. We should plan ahead to overcome obstacles such as a pandemic event, poverty crisis, inflation, and competitive risk, and seasonal - peak crisis.


We understand the financial crisis will hit anyone, every business no matter when what and how but when comes to these unfortunates event we ensure you are well covered. 


The most crucial part is how can you be prepared for all these uncertainties??? best is know your "life-jacket if you need it one day " or an extra-life to key start your business even in the bad times. We have it to cover you from our best professional team.  WHY START LATER, IF YOU CAN BEGIN NOW !!

Leverage Your Business to the Bank 

Start your capital small for your business and from your earning profit leverage it back into the bank. The question is how? what? and when? you must ask. The answer is simple when will you need the aid the most, is not an actual good timing for you to get aid from the bank because the bank only favor quality and good credit customers with their strong financial background but if you build a better portfolio from the beginning, you will properly stand a chance or else it just works like clock cycle. 

Start-up Funds From Bank

If you want to start small but have no budget, are not sure the way and how to do it? what financial documents that you want to start with? do you need to have some pitching deck to startup? If you are considering starting small with low capital, let's begin now! 


Do contact us..... A.C.E Capital Advisory!

Automation & Digitalize 

In Malaysia, they have engaged for IR4.0 Automation, and digitalize illustrates that the government is actively encouraging more local businesses to move rapidly into the technology sphere.


“The digital transformation agenda for Malaysia continues to be a major catalytic driver for the nation’s economy. We are encouraged to note that Budget since 2020 includes proposals, which will further accelerate Malaysia’s rapidly-maturing digital economy,” 


Focusing on this platform will encourage more entrepreneurs in these industries to become more prudent. Why we create more opportunities for business partners to engage in this 4.0 automation and digitalize platform. 

Women Entrepreneur Financing 

For more than a decade's women had been working hard to achieve the same status-quo with men, as gender equality still struggling in most countries but yet many think that it is a challenge for many young entrepreneurs women out there, thinks that many platforms still not open to woman intellectual but in Malaysia still have financier would like to aid women organization for a minimum startup and also to create assistance platform with them. 


 Financing can be done by asset acquisitions:-

1) Leasing of Equipment & Machinery.

2) Renovation for office premises. 

3) Additional Seeding Funds to kick starts the business.